Upholstery, Plumbing and Pipe Fitting courses in Anderbolt call+27843698103 - Anderbolt

Thursday, 01 March 2018

Item details

City: Anderbolt, Gauteng
Offer type: Offer
Price: R 6,000


Contact name Flavia
Phone 0788130106

Item description

UPHOLSTERY is manufacturer classic couch, event chair n couch , sofas, ottoman , cushions, slip covers, heard board to office chairs and
restore damaged to give it life. repair car seat chairs bed. For
fashionable designed in a space the company believe that any thing
made by man can still be repair if is damage and brought to style.
call us now if u need a new elegant style or change of fabric on your
existing sofas or u want to repair the old to be new with affordable
prices. All interior designers and private co operations and
individuals are welcomed .
Contact Patrick on 0843698103 or
email: kingviewtraining02@gmai.com